Sales Best Practices
5 min read

How Warm Introductions Can Save Cold Outreach in 2024

Revamp your B2B sales tactics - warm introductions are the new gold standard, but cold outreach can still play a supporting role.

Ashwin Sande

From traveling salespeople approaching prospects directly to the invention of the telephone facilitating cold calling and the first email being sent back in 1971 – cold outreach’s omnipresence in the world of business including B2B enterprise sales cannot be denied. However, cold outreach's relevance has faced a dent in recent times. Is the writing on the wall for cold outreach, especially with warm introductions, gaining prominence over the years?  

Well, looking at everything with a black-and-white lens hides the nuances from us. Let’s look at how cold outreach can still mark its presence in the world of B2B enterprise sales.  

What Is Cold Outreach?

Attempting to connect with your prospects without any prior relationship is known as cold outreach. Here’s how it fares in general:  

Cold outreach’s advantages have often been explored. Its wide reach, and lead generation capabilities receive praise. On the other hand, it receives criticism for its low ROI, time-consuming nature, and low response rates. In fact, the average rate of replies decreased by 10% each year since 2014 despite sales reps sending 150% more emails today.  

What caused the downfall of cold outreach?

Causes of Cold Outreach’s Decline

  1. Preference for personalization: Over the years, prospects started preferring personalization over one-size-fits-all size fits all cold outreach. This is amplified further in the case of B2B enterprise sales as you deal with higher stakes. In fact, personalized emails get a 14% higher CTR in comparison to their non-personalized counterparts.  
  1. Increased use of spam filters: No one wants unwanted emails and phishing emails landing on their inbox. Email services and the relevant authorities paid heed to this. As a result, email deliverability took a massive hit. In fact, the average deliverability rate amongst the top 15 ESPs is just 83%.
  1. Reduced efficacy: The aforementioned factors and stats reflect cold outreach’s downfall. To add to its woes, only 23.9% emails are opened while the CTR is a mere 3.67%.

Cold outreach isn’t dead. However, it’s not alive and kicking either. Businesses seeking an alternative to the dwindling cold outreach have found a potent method in warm introductions.  

What Are Warm Introductions?

A mutual connection introducing you to a sales prospect is known as a warm introduction. In one of our previous blogs, we saw the advantages of warm introductions.  They are:

1. Increased trust and credibility

2. Faster access to decision-makers

3. Improved conversion makers

4. Reduced customer acquisition costs

However, warm intros are guilty of a few drawbacks in comparison to cold outreach such as:

1. Limited reach

2. Too dependent on your network

3. Lack of diversity

Both cold outreach and warm intros have their pros and cons. The best way to do sales prospecting is to combine the best of both the worlds.

Building a Balanced Prospecting Strategy

The key to a successful B2B enterprise sales strategy lies in integrating both cold outreach and warm paths. Here’s how you can build a balanced prospecting strategy:

Tips for Identifying and Leveraging Warm Introductions

  1. Utilizing Existing Networks and Connections: Tap into your personal and professional networks to find potential leads. Regularly update your contacts about your offerings and request referrals. Encourage referrals from satisfied customers and industry contacts. Providing incentives for referrals can boost the number of introductions you receive.
  1. Engaging in social selling: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn and industry forums to connect with prospects. Share valuable insights and participate in discussions to establish your expertise. Engage with potential leads by commenting on their posts and sending personalized messages. Building relationships through social media can lead to warm introductions.
  1. Building Partnerships and Alliances: Form strategic partnerships with other businesses to leverage each other’s networks. Collaborate on joint ventures to expand your reach and generate mutual benefits. Collaborate on joint ventures and co-marketing initiatives. These partnerships can open doors to new markets and provide access to a broader audience.
  1. Attending Industry Events and Networking Opportunities: Participate in conferences, trade shows, and networking events. These gatherings provide opportunities to meet prospects face-to-face and build relationships.  

Use these occasions to meet potential leads and nurture relationships. Following up after events with personalized messages can turn casual encounters into valuable connections.

Combining Cold Outreach with Warm Intros

  1. Warm Up Cold Outreach: Before reaching out cold, try to find a mutual connection or engage with the prospect on social media. A warm touchpoint can increase the likelihood of a positive response. Reference any relevant content they’ve shared or show genuine interest in their business. Personalizing your initial contact makes it more compelling and less intrusive.
  1. Follow Up on Warm Leads with Cold Outreach Tactics: Use cold outreach techniques to follow up on warm introductions that haven’t yet converted. A structured follow-up process can keep these leads engaged. Send personalized follow-up emails or make calls to keep the conversation going. Demonstrating persistence and interest can turn warm leads into customers.
  1. Segment and Personalize Your Approach: Segment your leads based on their source and tailor your outreach strategy accordingly. Customizing your approach increases its effectiveness. Personalize your messages to show that you understand their needs and challenges. Prospects appreciate efforts that reflect a deep understanding of their business.
  1. Track and Optimize: Monitor the performance of your outreach efforts to understand what’s working. Use analytics to identify successful tactics and areas for improvement. Continuously refine your approach based on feedback and results. Regularly updating your strategy ensures it remains effective and relevant.


While cold outreach may face challenges in the modern sales landscape, it still holds value when integrated with warm paths. By building a balanced prospecting strategy that leverages the strengths of both approaches, you can maximize your reach and effectiveness in B2B enterprise sales. Remember, it’s not about choosing one over the other but finding the right blend that works for your business.

Sign up for a demo with Vieu to get the best warm connections in your B2B enterprise sales journey.  
